2018 FBCLID2 Annual Report
Did you know Fort Bend County Levee Improvement District No. 2 (FBCLID2) protects over 9,000 homes and 100s of businesses exceeding $5 billion in appraised taxable value? View district information like this and more in the 2018 FBCLID2 Annual Report. This year’s report contains general information about FBCLID2, including district facts and historical information. The report also contains the district’s historic and 2018 tax rates and taxable values. Information on 2018-19 capital improvement projects and the upcoming 2019 bond election can also be found in the report.
Rehabilitation of Drainage Channels: Ditches B, C, and E
Project Update – January 2019
In June 2018, Fort Bend County Levee Improvement District No. 2 (FBCLID2) started construction on the Ditches B, C, and E Rehabilitation Project. These drainage channels remove rainfall runoff from a large portion of First Colony. The goal of the project is to rehabilitate the ditch bottoms to prevent further erosion and to improve slope stability within the ditches. When complete, the project will improve the efficiency of drainage inside the levee. FBCLID2 has also partnered with the City of Sugar Land to replace storm sewer outfalls that are adjacent to the project. The City owns and maintains the storm sewer that collects rainfall runoff from streets and delivers it to the FBCLID2 ditches through these outfalls.
The project is currently scheduled for completion during Summer 2019. Construction in Ditch C is currently wrapping up and work in Ditch B will start in early February. The construction project requires heavy equipment (pictured below) to be operated in close proximity to homes. The contractor will enter construction sites from the locations shown on the map, including Austin Parkway, Highway 6, Sweetwater Blvd. and Williams Trace. Please be aware of construction activity when traveling through these impacted areas. For questions or comments about the project email the FBCLID2 General Manger at gm1@fbclid2.com.