It was just over a year ago that Hurricane Harvey devastated Southeast Texas and recovery has been ongoing ever since. FBCLID 2 has been actively working on a variety of projects to improve flood control, drainage, and communications throughout the District. FBCLID2 will host a public meeting on Wednesday, November 7, 2018 to discuss the District’s Harvey response with FBCLID 2 residents. The meeting will be co-hosted with the City of Sugar Land, and updates on City drainage projects will also be featured during this meeting. The meeting begins at 6:00 pm and will be held at Sugar Land City Hall in the City Council Chambers (2700 Town Center Blvd. North, Sugar Land, TX).
The following is brief project summary outlining major projects included in the FBCLID 2 Hurricane Harvey recovery effort. Additional details will be presented at the upcoming public meeting or may be found online at
- Rehabilitation of Ditches B, C, and E: Construction has started and will be complete in Summer 2019.
- New Pump Station (Ditch A) – Preliminary design is complete and detailed design has started. The bid process for construction of the new pump station will begin in early 2019.
- Lower Internal Flood Elevation – Preliminary design on the new pump station will provide an additional 6+ inches of flood protection for all residents.
- Flood Monitoring Project – FBCLID 2 has partnered with the City of Sugar Land and Harris County to add new flood monitoring stations inside the District. Construction will be complete in the Fall of 2018.
- New Website – has been completely updated with additional information and resources. Residents are encouraged to sign up for email and text alerts:
- High-Water Vehicle – the District will procure a high-water vehicle during the Fall of 2018.
FBCLID 2 is thankful for all the support received from the community during and after Hurricane Harvey. Harvey reminded us that not all heroes wear capes, some wear rubber boots or just share a hot meal. The District operators worked around the clock for weeks to address the inundation of water due to Hurricane Harvey. During that time generous neighborhood residents lent a hand by donating their time, food, and even washing machines to assist District workers. Many neighborhood children also wrote kind thank-you notes to acknowledge the District’s hard-work and vigilance during the storm. These letters have been posted on the wall in the Pump Station Operations Room as a constant reminder about the importance of the FBCLID 2 flood-control mission.