Construction Update – April 1, 2022
Ditch A Widening – Phase II
The Fort Bend County Levee Improvement District No. 2 (Fort Bend LID 2) contractor has removed more than 60,000 cubic yards of material from Ditch A, the District’s main drainage channel. With good weather excavation is scheduled to be complete by the end of April and before the start of Hurricane Season. Construction crews have also started modifying multiple storm sewer outfalls in Ditch A that were impacted by construction. Similar to the excavation crews, the outfall modifications begin behind the Austin Park neighborhood and will move downstream towards Colony Park and Sweetwater Boulevard.
The material removed from Ditch A was first used to raise levees around The Commonwealth neighborhood, located inside First Colony Levee Improvement District No. 2 (First Colony LID 2). The First Colony LID 2 levee raising is now substantially complete and filling operations have moved to the Fort Bend LID 2 South Levee. During the month of April, dump truck traffic will continue on the South Levee between Knightsbridge and Commonwealth Blvd. Please be aware of construction traffic when traveling in these areas.
Overall, the project remains on schedule and is expected to be complete in June 2022. Fort Bend LID 2 appreciates your patience as the District works to complete this critical flood control project.
The City of Sugar Land tree planting project in First Colony Park is also complete. This critical flood control project in Ditch A required many trees to be removed. To help offset that impact, Fort Bend LID 2 partnered with the City to plant trees around First Colony park, which is adjacent to Ditch A.
Fort Bend LID 2 can be contacted directly with any questions or concerns: