Ditch B & B-1 Widening
The engineering and design to enlarge Ditches B & B-1 and create additional flood storage is complete. The drainage channels currently require rehabilitation, including desilting and storm sewer outfall replacement. Engineers have finished a design that will increase the size of the channels as much as possible within the existing FBCLID 2 right-of-way. The District is investigating some design alternatives before the plans are finalized for bidding in December. Construction is currently expected to begin in the first quarter of 2023.
Thelen Pump Station Expansion: Bidding Construction Contract
The Thelen Pump Station serves the Ditch F watershed that is located north of the Southwest Freeway (US-59/I-69). The expansion project will add four additional pumps that more than double the total pumping capacity in Ditch F. When complete, the Thelen Pump Station will be able to move over 215,000 gallons of water per minute. Construction is expected to take approximately one year to complete, so the additional pump capacity is expected to be available by the end of 2023. The four existing pumps were replaced in 2020 and will remain in operation throughout construction. Similar to the previous pump station projects, any building improvements will be constructed to blend into the residential neighborhood as much as possible.
André D. McDonald Pump Station: Construction Update
The new pumps at the McDonald Pump Station have been operational for over a year, which increases FBCLID 2 pumping capacity by 400%. However, FBCLID 2 still needs to put the finishing touches on the McDonald Pump Station now that the main construction contract is complete. The final site improvements include enhanced fencing, landscaping, additional parking, and an emergency operations center. After receiving no bids during in the Spring, this Summer FBCLID2 divided the remaining scope into smaller construction contracts to increase interest and competition.
The District recently awarded several contracts to complete all pump station construction. In October, the remaining concrete driveway will be poured. Beginning in November, another contractor will erect brick walls between the pump station and homes at the north end of Oakland Drive. Finally, a landscaper will install new beds, trees, and irrigation to beautify the area in front of the McDonald Pump Station. The rendering below demonstrates what the completed pump station is expected to look like when viewed from Oakland Drive. FBCLID2 will also install an operations center inside the new pump station building. A public open house for all residents in early 2023 after all construction is complete.