Ditch A Widening – Phase II
In October, the Fort Bend County Levee Improvement District No. 2 (Fort Bend LID 2) Board of Directors awarded the construction contract for Ditch A Widening – Phase II to Texas Dewatering, LLC. The contractor is expected to mobilize in November 2021 and construction is expected to be complete by Summer 2022. When combined with Phase I excavation, the flood storage capacity of Ditch A will be increased by 124 acre-feet or more than 40,000,000 gallons.
Phase II construction will begin at Sweetwater Boulevard, behind the Colony Park neighborhood, and end at the upstream end of Ditch A, behind Austin Park. However, all excavation is planned on the south side of Ditch A, opposite the neighborhoods and adjacent to the golf course. Similar to Phase I, the contractor will remove 10-15 feet of material from the southern ditch slope along 6,000 feet of the drainage channel.
Fort Bend LID 2 South Levee Raising
The fill material removed from Ditch A will be used to increase the height of the Fort Bend LID 2 South Levee. The Phase II contractor will resume South Levee raising between Commonwealth Blvd. and Knightsbridge Blvd., as noted on the attached map. The top elevation of more than a mile of levee will increase 1-3 feet on average. All fill material placed on the Fort Bend LID 2 South Levee will be added to the levee top or northern slope, and no fill is planned for the southern slope adjacent to neighboring homes.
First Colony LID 2 Levee Raising
Ditch A – Phase II excavation will produce enough dirt to also raise the levees in the adjoining First Colony Levee Improvement District No. 2 (First Colony LID 2). A cost sharing agreement between the two Districts will improve both the First Colony LID 2 levees and Fort Bend LID 2 Ditch A at a reduced cost to all taxpayers. Several city streets cross both District’s levees, but there will be no changes to the road crossings at this time. The attached map highlights all construction locations and entrances. Please be aware of construction equipment and traffic when traveling through these areas.
Tree Removal
This critical flood control project will require many trees in Fort Bend LID 2 to be removed from the southern bank of Ditch A and the northern slope of the South Levee. An area of brush and unprotected trees along the most upstream end of Ditch A must also be cleared. However, Fort Bend LID 2 is partnering with the City of Sugar Land and Keep Sugar Land Beautiful to complete a tree planting program in First Colony Athletic Park, adjacent to Ditch A. First Colony LID 2 is also partnering with Fort Bend County on additional tree plantings in other areas of Sugar Land.
Ditch A Widening – Phase I
The contractor is substantially complete with the Phase I project but is addressing final grading, site cleanup, and punch list repairs. Phase I levee filling operations are also complete, but several minor repairs remain incomplete. Ditch E Rehabilitation will continue through November due to additional slope repairs and a modified scope to complete the upstream end of the channel.
Fort Bend LID 2 can be contacted directly with any questions or concerns: www.fbclid2.com/contact.