FBCLID 2 Pump Stations continue to operate normally, and personnel will remain at the pump stations 24/7 throughout the event.
Drainage South of US-59/IH69 (Ditches A, B, C, D, E, and G): Water levels in the ditches are now below elevation 53 feet, a decrease of more than 12 feet from the peak on Tuesday, May 7.
Drainage North of US-59/IH-69 (Ditch F):
Water levels in Ditch F remain at elevation 65.2 feet.
Brazos River:
The Brazos River crested on Friday, May 10 but will stay at elevated levels through the weekend.
Brazos River water did not reach the bottom of the FBCLID2 levee.
The flood gates in the levee are closed, so no water from the Brazos River can enter FBCLID 2.
All rainfall through the weekend will still need to be pumped out of the levee.
Additional rainfall is forecasted for the afternoon of Saturday, May 11. The FBCLID 2 drainage system has been pumped down and has already regained almost all of its storage capacity.